Latest update from WebNet77, enjoy!
This file is the most up-to-date version available online, but it is not meant to be 100% accurate, unfortunately.
For instance, a provider may have the headquarters located in one country and different data centers in other countries. In such cases, at times the country of the headquarters is listed instead of the location of the specific datacenter.
I have unfortunately no way to correct this, and neither has WebNet77, so we have to be happy with what is available.
PLEASE REFRAIN FROM POSTING YOUR OWN FILES HERE, if you wish to contribute yourself with your own file, you can open your own dedicated thread.
Latest update from WebNet77, enjoy!
This file is the most up-to-date version available online, but it is not meant to be 100% accurate, unfortunately.
For instance, a provider may have the headquarters located in one country and different data centers in other countries. In such cases, at times the country of the headquarters is listed instead of the location of the specific datacenter.
I have unfortunately no way to correct this, and neither has WebNet77, so we have to be happy with what is available.
PLEASE REFRAIN FROM POSTING YOUR OWN FILES HERE, if you wish to contribute yourself with your own file, you can open your own dedicated thread.