Multics r82 Hellboy HB49
- [FIX] CS378X/CCcam connection working again with OSCAM Trunk version
- [ENH] new config parameter
-HTTP ALERTS: OFF ## Show Alerts page (default: ON)
- [ENH] Cacheex become a new config parameter for Cacheex AIO Oscam
-CS378X USER EXT: ## Give cacheex AIO user
-CS378X SERVER EXT: ## Connect to AIO cacheex server
- [ENH] Added search on failban Page
- [ENH] On new HB version if Telegram bot is set (TELEGRAM SYSTEM: 1), you will receive a message
- [FIX] On Debug Page when new Hellboy version popup window showed, The close button was not working, now fixed.
- [CLN] mgcamd cachedcw was not fully implemented and removed from webinterface.
maybe its me
i dont like these new hellboy versions
- [FIX] CS378X/CCcam connection working again with OSCAM Trunk version
- [ENH] new config parameter
-HTTP ALERTS: OFF ## Show Alerts page (default: ON)
- [ENH] Cacheex become a new config parameter for Cacheex AIO Oscam
-CS378X USER EXT: ## Give cacheex AIO user
-CS378X SERVER EXT: ## Connect to AIO cacheex server
- [ENH] Added search on failban Page
- [ENH] On new HB version if Telegram bot is set (TELEGRAM SYSTEM: 1), you will receive a message
- [FIX] On Debug Page when new Hellboy version popup window showed, The close button was not working, now fixed.
- [CLN] mgcamd cachedcw was not fully implemented and removed from webinterface.
maybe its me
i dont like these new hellboy versions