## r82-hellboy-V54
- [ENH] new option for FAILBAN
FAILBAN SYSTEM: 1 13 -> this means like in TELEGRAM for SYSTEM, now included only WebIF failed logins. The counter after is for occurrence threshold, until get banned
- [ENH] webif failed logins now protocoled also in debug window and like before TELEGRAM if enabled and FAILBAN and ALERT
- [ENH] FAILBAN ENABLE: 0 96 become also a threshold counter for occurrence and this will be applied for all options if set
- [ENH] Added Description information on mouseover in a tooltip popup by cache peers , server lines, cacheex server lines
EX: host port user pass # description text to show on mouse over
NOTE: you have to hit space on end of line before # and also another space after # to work properly
- [ENH] new option for FAILBAN
FAILBAN SYSTEM: 1 13 -> this means like in TELEGRAM for SYSTEM, now included only WebIF failed logins. The counter after is for occurrence threshold, until get banned
- [ENH] webif failed logins now protocoled also in debug window and like before TELEGRAM if enabled and FAILBAN and ALERT
- [ENH] FAILBAN ENABLE: 0 96 become also a threshold counter for occurrence and this will be applied for all options if set
- [ENH] Added Description information on mouseover in a tooltip popup by cache peers , server lines, cacheex server lines
EX: host port user pass # description text to show on mouse over
NOTE: you have to hit space on end of line before # and also another space after # to work properly